More site building

After the hour long webinar, I spent the rest of the day working on my site. 

I think I spent about 3 hours building different pages, making a You Tube channel -which I added to the site as well- and just played around with it. 

Unfortunately I did NOT add any blogs, so I am at a total of 3 (very short ones) so far. 

My plan is to have 10-12 blogs up, as well as the site totally built before announcing it to the public.  This will take some time I realize.   I've already put in about 10 hours total, but will probably need another 10 before I'm ready to "make it known" if you will, to friends and family.

I do enjoy this aspect of blogging, but it take way longer than it should in my opinion.  No wonder people fizzle out before they ever really get off the ground.   I'm not even trying to be that picky.  I keep thinking: "Just do the bare minimum, you can always change it later."  But the bare minimum is still pretty time consuming.

I'll keep you posted!

Money spent: $64
Money Earned: $0


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