My biggest fear is coming true!

I will be honest, today (Friday) is the very first day in the past 2 weeks that I have spent any time on my blog.   I was slammed with life and it just didn't get done.

This is my biggest fear.

When life gets in the way, what happens to the blog?   I can start with all the best intentions, but life inevitably always gets in the way.

I feel really, really guilty spending 2+ hours on the computer everyday while my kids are doing...who knows what!  I've already worked 7.5, they have been in school all day, and now it is our time, yet I'm on the computer for most of it.   It really hurts my mom heart.   Then there's the house in general.  If I'm not on top of things, it literally falls apart around me.  Dishes pile up, the laundry gets out of control, and let's not even talk about the clutter.  Oh the clutter.

I know, I know, I've heard it all:  If you don't carve out the time, then it won't happen.  Get up earlier, go to bed later, don't watch TV, multi-task, etc, etc.  But if you saw my schedule, you would wonder how I fit it all in as it is, I promise!

I'm not all that productive when I can't even keep my eyes open.  What kind of blog posts will I get then?

To make things even worse, my computer has been broken for the past 6 months.  I mean it works, but I have to be plugged into the TV in order to see anything since the monitor went out and it would cost more to fix it then it would to just buy a new (cheap) computer.  Besides, we just bought a new laptop for my husband who is in school and justifiably needs it more than I do.

So with all that, what do I do?   Well, I keep plugging away.   I write a new blog post whenever I can to build up my website, and I just keep trying despite all the other things on my to do list.

It might take longer than I want it to, but at least it is better than doing nothing at all.

Okay, rant over.  Read on.

Money earned: $0
Money spent $64


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